I'm Full Stack Web Developer
Professional in Both Front-End & Back-End
I'm A Student and Web Dveloper Constantly Seeking Out New Solutions of Everyday Problems. In Almsot one year in this industry, I've honed my analytical thinking, Problem Solving and collaboration skills, and I Learned a lot From Mistakes.
Creating Static Webisites Using HTML,CSS&JavaScript
Creating Web Apps Using Django
Self Developed
Developed an Online Ticket Reservation System using Django to manage the server side functionality of the Application
and HTML, CSS and JavaScript for client side of the Application.
.Log-in/Sign-up via Email Verification.
.Separate Employee Side and Customer Sides for Ticket Reservations.
.Employees can Create, Update, Delete Trips.
.Customers can search for their desired Trips.
.Both Employees and Customers can select from Available seats.
.Customers can view and delete Reservations from Dashboard.
.Trips for next 5 days are available for Advance Reservation.
Bachelors degree with focus on both business and computer science.
LinkedInStarted off by diving into the basics of writing a computer program. Along the way, i got hands-on experience with programming concepts through interactive exercises and real-world examples.
CertificateThis course presents a gentle introduction to Data Analysis, the role of a Data Analyst, and the tools used in this job.
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